Attention All...

Business Owners & Decision Makers

Are Your Employee's Mediocre Communication Skills Costing Your Business?

Skyrocket Your Employee’s Vocabulary and Speaking Skills and Equip Your Team to Communicate at an ELITE Level.

Attention All...

Business Owners & Decision Makers

Are Your Employee's Mediocre Communication Skills Costing Your Business?

Skyrocket Your Employee’s Vocabulary and Speaking Skills and Equip Your Team to Communicate at an ELITE Level.

As Featured In

As Featured In

Poor Employee Communication Skills are Proven to Have a Detrimental Effect on Your Business, Employee Retention, and Bottom Line!

Quick Questions...

🤔 Does it often feel like your competitors are always a step ahead when it comes to generating more leads, closing more deals, raising more capital, or simply establishing stronger relationships with business partners?

🤔 Have you ever felt that your team’s overall performance is mediocre at best or that there is room for improvement?

And lastly...

🤔 Are you frustrated by your overall conversion rates considering you're either spending thousands of dollars on marketing or devoting hours upon hours to establishing connections that are not panning out the way you hoped?

If you've answered yes to more on more, you're far from alone...

And it all comes down to communication!

Poor Employee Communication Skills are Proven to Have a Detrimental Effect on Your Business, Employee Retention, and Bottom Line!

Quick Questions...

🤔 Does it often feel like your competitors are always a step ahead when it comes to generating more leads, closing more deals, raising more capital, or simply establishing stronger relationships with business partners?

🤔 Have you ever felt that your team’s overall performance is mediocre at best or that there is room for improvement?

And lastly...

🤔 Are you frustrated by your overall conversion rates considering you're either spending thousands of dollars on marketing or devoting hours upon hours to establishing connections that are not panning out the way you hoped?

If you've answered yes to more on more, you're far from alone...

And it all comes down to communication!

Business SUCCESS is Greatly Impacted, for Better or Worse, by the Way in Which We Communicate

A recent study conducted by Discover Magazine concluded that business leaders of Fortune 500 companies acknowledge that effective communication is the backbone of their business.

At the same time, the research suggests poor communication is rampant in the workplace and directly affects business results.

The consequences of not addressing the issue are significant:

Over 90% of business leaders say poor communication impacts productivity, morale, and growth, citing impacts such as reduced profits, increased costs, missed or extended deadlines, and reputational erosion.


Over 35% of leaders even reported losing business or deals due to poor communication.

You see...

Regardless of your employee's academic background, the education system's standard of language and communication skills has been deteriorating over time and has reached alarming proportions.


When companies don’t make an effort to enhance this crucial skill set, it will, without a doubt, negatively impact the company’s productivity, leadership, and culture.

Now, what if we told you...

That by simply enabling your employees to discover how to effectively and appropriately tailor their language and messaging during calls, meetings, and all other business dealings would make all the difference to your business and bottom line?

Think that sounds too good to be true? 

Think again!

There are proven power words that will make the difference between a closed deal and a lost opportunity!

For example...

Instead of saying...

“Our new marketing campaign got a 25% click-through rate.”

They'd say...

“Our new marketing campaign garnered a 25% click-through rate.”



Instead of saying...

“Hi, I’m calling in regards to…”

They'd say...

“Hi, I’m calling pertaining to...” 


Instead of saying...

“Most people have the tendency to control everything.”

They'll sound like a leader if they say...

“Most people have the propensity to control everything.”

You get the picture.

The impact is undeniable!

You get the picture.

The impact is undeniable.

These are words their audience presumably already knows
or at least understands what they mean in context.

And by using such words…

They'll instantly come across as smarter, more educated,
and position themselves as an expert in their field. 

Just as—if not More—Important...

It’s also important to note that your employee’s understanding and internalization of power words and phrases is just as—if not more—important than using them.

Meaning that if they are with clients, business partners, or in a meeting and hear advanced words or idioms, they will need to recognize what is being said so that they can acknowledge it and then respond in kind.

Therefore, it’s fair to say that business leaders can no longer afford to ignore the cost of poor or mediocre communication skills…

And those that do invest in building better practices, bridging communication gaps at every level, and empowering teams with the right tools will see their businesses reach new heights.

Business SUCCESS is Greatly Impacted, for Better or Worse, by the Way in Which We Communicate

A recent study conducted by Discover Magazine concluded that business leaders of Fortune 500 companies acknowledge that effective communication is the backbone of their business.

At the same time, the research suggests poor communication is rampant in the workplace and directly affects business results.

The consequences of not addressing the issue are significant:

Over 90% of business leaders say poor communication impacts productivity, morale, and growth, citing impacts such as reduced profits, increased costs, missed or extended deadlines, and reputational erosion.


Over 35% of leaders even reported losing business or deals due to poor communication.

Simply put, Employee Training is Worth the Investment

As a leader in your organization, you understand the importance of investing in your employees. 

A company's success and productivity are directly related to the productivity of its employees.

Research has shown that training and development are some of the most important things people look for in a job.

That’s right; not money, not flexible working hours but training and development.

In fact, according to the 2022 LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report, the striking majority of employees said they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development.

And while it’s easy to disregard training altogether, there is a reason why it has remained one of the most critical initiatives businesses take that makes a considerable impact.

Employee training will not only boost productivity, engagement, and job performance but also promotes inclusion and improves morale and employee motivation.

As a result, it helps to cultivate job satisfaction and retention.

Therefore, despite the initial monetary costs, staff training pays back your investment many times over, and it’s one of the best investments you can make in your business.

As a matter of fact…

Not investing in training your employees will always end up costing you more in the long run!

You see...

Regardless of your employee's academic background, the education system's standard of language and communication skills has been deteriorating over time and has reached alarming proportions.


When companies don’t make an effort to enhance this crucial skill set, it will, without a doubt, negatively impact the company’s productivity, leadership, and culture.

Now, what if we told you...

That by simply enabling your employees to discover how to effectively and appropriately tailor their language and messaging during calls, meetings, and all other business dealings would make all the difference to your business and bottom line?

Think that sounds too good to be true?

Think again!

There are proven power words that will make the difference between a closed deal and a lost opportunity!

For example...

Instead of saying...

“Our new marketing campaign got a 25% click-through rate.”

They'd say...

“Our new marketing campaign garnered a 25% click-through rate.”



Instead of saying...

“Hi, I’m calling in regards to...”

They’d say...

“Hi, I’m calling pertaining to...” 


Instead of saying...

“Most people have the tendency to control everything.”

They’ll sound like a leader if they say...

“Most people have the propensity to control everything.”

You get the picture.

The impact is undeniable!

You get the picture.

The impact is undeniable.

These are words their audience presumably already knows or at least understands what they mean in context.

And by using such words…

They'll instantly come across as smarter, more educated, and position themselves as an expert in their field.

Just as—if not More—Important...

It’s also important to note that your employee’s understanding and internalization of power words and phrases is just as—if not more—important than using them.

Meaning that if they are with clients, business partners, or in a meeting and hear advanced words or idioms, they will need to recognize what is being said so that they can acknowledge it and then respond in kind.

Therefore, it’s fair to say that business leaders can no longer afford to ignore the cost of poor or mediocre communication skills…

And those that do invest in building better practices, bridging communication gaps at every level, and empowering teams with the right tools will see their businesses reach new heights.

Simply put, Employee Training is Worth the Investment

As a leader in your organization, you understand the importance of investing in your employees. 

A company's success and productivity are directly related to the productivity of its employees.

Research has shown that training and development are some of the most important things people look for in a job.

That’s right; not money, not flexible working hours but training and development.

In fact, according to the 2022 LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report, the striking majority of employees said they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development.

And while it’s easy to disregard training altogether, there is a reason why it has remained one of the most critical initiatives businesses take that makes a considerable impact.

Employee training will not only boost productivity, engagement, and job performance but also promotes inclusion and improves morale and employee motivation.

As a result, it helps to cultivate job satisfaction and retention.

Therefore, despite the initial monetary costs, staff training pays back your investment many times over, and it’s one of the best investments you can make in your business.

As a matter of fact…

Not investing in training your employees will always end up costing you more in the long run!

It’s a Proven FACT…

The More Words One Knows, The More Money One Makes

FACT: Big earners and achievers in every industry use smart power words to get to the top, and know how to articulate their ideas.

FACT: A study conducted by Discover Magazine found a direct correlation between extent of one's vocabulary and their financial success.

FACT: More financial opportunities are available to those with excellent communication skills rather than just technical knowledge.

FACT: Research shows that people with bigger vocabularies land jobs more often and easier.

FACT: A Harvard study concluded that communication equals wealth. They found that “an extensive vocabulary is one of the most important contributors to success.”

FACT: Having a command of words gives you a competitive edge over those who don’t.

But not to worry... We've got you and your employees covered!

It’s a Proven FACT…

The More Words One Knows,
The More Money One Makes

FACT: Big earners and achievers in every industry use smart power words
to get to the top, and know how to articulate their ideas.

FACT: A study conducted by Discover Magazine found a direct correlation between
the extent of one's vocabulary and their financial success.

FACT: More financial opportunities are available to those with excellent
communication skills rather than just technical knowledge.

FACT: Research shows that people with bigger vocabularies
land jobs more often and easier.

FACT: A Harvard study concluded that communication equals wealth.
They found that “an extensive vocabulary is one of the
most important contributors to success.”

FACT: Having a command of words gives you a competitive edge over those who don’t.

But not to worry... We've got you and your employees covered!

At EliteVocab Academy, Our Passion is to Make Your Employees Smarter by Sounding Smarter in Minutes a Day!

A Breakthrough System for Skyrocketing Your Employee's Vocabulary and Speaking Skills in 30 Days...
And in Just 20 Minutes Per Day

Now they can quickly start sounding like the top 1% of the elite
by using proven power words in their daily communication. 

And faster and easier than they ever dreamed possible! 

Our team of experts have created a breakthrough science-based program to train employees step-by-step on how to articulate their ideas with the engaging vocabulary of the elite.

So they come across as confident, charismatic, and like natural-born leaders, and best of all, without the tedious hours of study and research required.

We literally spent thousands of hours conducting research to find hundreds of power words actively used by top executives, leaders, and other elites.  

And by following our innovative system, your employees will quickly learn these
powerful words and phrases and how to use them to positively impact
their audience — whether it’s one person or thousands.

At EliteVocab Academy, Our Passion is to Make Your Employees Smarter by Sounding Smarter in Minutes a Day!

A Breakthrough System for Skyrocketing Your Employee's Vocabulary and Speaking Skills in 30 Days... And in Just 20 Minutes Per Day

Now they can quickly start sounding like the top 1% of the elite by using proven power words in your daily communication. 

And faster and easier than they ever dreamed possible! 

Our team of experts have created a breakthrough science-based program to train employees step-by-step on how to articulate their ideas with the engaging vocabulary of the elite.

So they come across as confident, charismatic, and like natural-born leaders, and best of all, without the tedious hours of study and research required.

We literally spent thousands of hours conducting research to find hundreds of power words actively used by top executives, leaders, and other elites.  

And by following our innovative system, your employees will quickly learn these powerful words and phrases and how to use them to positively impact their audience — whether it’s one person or thousands.

They’ll Learn the Power Words Used By The Most
Successful People to Get to the Top

Top Power Words Users

Many of the wealthiest and most successful individuals
never finished high school or dropped out of college.

So what’s the key to their remarkable success?


Their resilience and tenacious fortitude, considering the immense pressure
one must face when achieving this level of success, are undeniable and cannot be overlooked.


Just as important, they knew how to use specific power words to get what they wanted — whether it was
a promotion, job interview, higher pay, more sales, or an investment in their new business venture. 

And these are words that will make one sound smarter… not pretentious!  

Plus, as your employees vocabulary expands, so will their overall intelligence and knowledge.  

This is because the mastery of words is connected to the mastery of ideas that underlie them. 

And that’s why good communication is seen as the hallmark of a winner.

Power Idioms Help Your Employees Communicate Like Leaders

What the heck are idioms, and why are they so important?

Simply put, idioms are phrases or expressions that help 
describe a situation in a creative, concise, and impactful manner.

Most idioms have a figurative, non-literal meaning
and often show the sign of intellectualism.  

They allow one to express themselves in just a few words, which
indicates to others that they have a deep understanding of language.

Our ELITE course will help your employees fully learn & understand idioms
and ensure they're always using them correctly.

Here are a couple of examples….

Instead of saying...

“It's no secret that the loss of our major contracts has put our company in a difficult position.”
They’ll sound like a leader if they say...

“It's no secret that the loss of our major contracts has put our company in dire straits.”
Instead of saying...

“My partner and I chose to be extremely careful when planning our investments”
They’ll come across as more intelligent and articulate if they say...

“My partner and I chose to err on the side of caution when planning our investments.”
See how easy and impactful they are?

This course is jam-packed with the most powerful, time-tested idioms they need to always speak confidently like an elite.

Discover Your New Competitive Advantage

It's no secret that good communication is the most crucial factor for success in today’s competitive world and is seen as the hallmark of a winner.

Think about it.
What do top-income earners and high-producing employees all have in common?
They are excellent communicators in one form or another.
And they always know the precise words to use to make an impact.
Now imagine if there was a tool that would train your employees to elevate their communication skills to this elite level in a short period of time…
And what if this was the type of training they’d be intrigued to do and, more importantly, able to do on their own time and at their own pace without cutting into their work hours?
What would that mean for your business and bottom line…and is that even possible?
The good news is that it is!

And building a dynamic vocabulary and elite communication skills for your employees is faster and easier than you think!

They’ll Learn the Power Words Used By The Most Successful People to Get to the Top

Top Power Words Users

Many of the wealthiest and most successful individuals never finished high school or dropped out of college.

So what’s the key to their remarkable success?


Their resilience and tenacious fortitude, considering the immense pressure one must face when achieving this level of success, are undeniable and cannot be overlooked.


Just as important, they knew how to use specific power words to get what they wanted— whether it was a promotion, job interview, higher pay, more sales, or an investment in their new business venture. 

And these are words that will make one sound smarter… not pretentious!  

Plus, as your employees vocabulary expands, so will their overall intelligence and knowledge.  

This is because the mastery of words is connected to the mastery of ideas that underlie them. 

And that’s why good communication is seen as the hallmark of a winner.

Power Idioms Help Your Employees Communicate Like Leaders

What the heck are idioms, and why are they so important?

Simply put, idioms are phrases or expressions that help describe a situation in a creative, concise, and impactful manner.

Most idioms have a figurative, non-literal meaning and often show the sign of intellectualism.  

They allow one to express themselves in just a few words, which indicates to others that they have a deep understanding of language.

Our ELITE course will help your employees fully learn & understand idioms and ensure they're always using them correctly.

Here are a couple of examples….

Instead of saying...

“It's no secret that the loss of our major contracts has put our company in a difficult position.”
They’ll sound like a leader if they say...

“It's no secret that the loss of our major contracts has put our company in dire straits.”
Instead of saying...

“My partner and I chose to be extremely careful when planning our investments”
They’ll come across as more intelligent and articulate if they say...

“My partner and I chose to err on the side of caution when planning our investments.”
See how easy and impactful they are?

This course is jam-packed with the most powerful, time-tested idioms they need to always speak confidently like an elite.

Discover Your New Competitive Advantage

It's no secret that good communication is the most crucial factor for success in today’s competitive world and is seen as the hallmark of a winner.

Think about it.
What do top-income earners and high-producing employees all have in common?
They are excellent communicators in one form or another.
And they always know the precise words to use to make an impact.

Now imagine if there was a tool that would train your employees to elevate their communication skills to this elite level in a short period of time…
And what if this was the type of training they’d be intrigued to do and, more importantly, able to do on their own time and at their own pace without cutting into their work hours?
What would that mean for your business and bottom line…and is that even possible?
The good news is that it is!

And building a dynamic vocabulary and elite communication skills for your employees is faster and easier than you think!

Our state-of-the-art app will not only help your employees...

  • Dominate the competition with unparalleled closing rates
  • Attain jaw-dropping presentation skills
  • ​Feel more confident in all business dealings

  • ​Overall communicate more boldly and effectively

But also help...

Our state-of-the-art app will not only help your employees...

  • Dominate the competition with unparalleled closing rates
  • Attain jaw-dropping presentation skills
  • ​Feel more confident in all business dealings

  • ​Overall communicate more boldly and effectively

But also help...

Skyrocket Your Business...

  • Boost Employee Productivity
  • Skyrocket Performance
  • ​Improve Team Functionality
  • Improve Employment Engagement
  • Reduce Employee Turnover
  • ​Prevent and Address Skill Gaps
  • ​Build a Competitive Advantage
  • ​Enhance Management

Skyrocket Your Business...

  • Boost Employee Productivity
  • Improve Team Functionality
  • ​Reduce Employee Turnover
  • ​Build a Competitive Advantage
  • Skyrocket Performance 
  • Improve Employee Engagement
  • ​Prevent and Address Skill Gaps
  • ​Enhance Management

Developed by Business Leaders and Top Language Experts

EliteVocab Academy is a comprehensive and interactive online communications platform based in the United States, servicing clients worldwide.

It was meticulously crafted by an interdisciplinary mix of business leaders and top language experts who were frustrated by the limitations of other communication courses.

Unambiguously, there are many components to communicating more effectively, including but not limited to your tone, body language, and even eye contact.

BUT, ultimately, communication is about word choice. And when it comes to word choice, less is more.

So, for the sake of brevity, one must be very judicious with word selection to be a powerful and persuasive communicator.

Advanced vocabulary is the core of high-level communication, but improving your communication skills to an executive level requires more than just vocabulary.

It’s unequivocally a two-step process, and we’ve covered you on both!

Our advanced vocabulary course, combined with our communication masterclass, is all you need to be fully equipped for all levels of success.

This is an incredible opportunity for business owners, executives, salespeople, influencers, speakers, politicians, coaches, writers, students, and other professionals to access an elite communications tool that will undoubtedly lead to success in all areas of life.

Developed by Business Leaders and Top Language Experts

EliteVocab Academy is a comprehensive and interactive online communications platform based in the United States, servicing clients worldwide.

It was meticulously crafted by an interdisciplinary mix of business leaders and top language experts who were frustrated by the limitations of other communication courses.

Unambiguously, there are many components to communicating more effectively, including but not limited to your tone, body language, and even eye contact.

BUT, ultimately, communication is about word choice. And when it comes to word choice, less is more.

So, for the sake of brevity, one must be very judicious with word selection to be a powerful and persuasive communicator.

Advanced vocabulary is the core of high-level communication, but improving your communication skills to an executive level requires more than just vocabulary.

It’s unequivocally a two-step process, and we’ve covered you on both!

Our advanced vocabulary course, combined with our communication masterclass, is all you need to be fully equipped for all levels of success.

This is an incredible opportunity for business owners, executives, salespeople, influencers, speakers, politicians, coaches, writers, students, and other professionals to access an elite communications tool that will undoubtedly lead to success in all areas of life.

What’s Included in EliteVocab Academy… 

Our Elite Plan...

  • Designed to boost your employee's vocabulary to the Top 1% of Executives, Leaders, and other Successful People
  • ​Lessons developed by leading language and business experts using proven science-based methods
  • Native English-speaking instructor
  • Power Words Program (30 Lessons - 300 Power Words)
  • Advanced Idioms, Phrases, and Phrasal Verbs Program (20 Lessons - 200 Advanced Idioms/Phrases)
  • ​50 HD Video lessons to learn at their own pace — anytime, anywhere on all their devices
  • ​​Fun and engaging Flashcard reviews
  • ​ Assessments for each lesson
  • ​Over 2100 results-proven sentence examples that precisely drive home the meaning and comprehension of each new word and idiom
  • ​Clear and easy-to-understand definitions
  • ​Correct pronunciations
  • State-of-the-art app that’s easy to navigate
  • Certificate Program — A prestigious certification of completion to upload on LinkedIn to highlight this unique and desirable skill set

Our Masterclass...

  • Combine your Elite vocabulary with World-Class Communication Skills for optimum results
  • ​​​If you desire to go beyond enhancing your vocabulary, this add-on program is a MUST-HAVE! (Can be added to ANY plan at checkout)
  • ​Lessons developed by leading language and business experts to grow your confidence and learn the art of communicating within a business setting
  • ​Project CONFIDENCE by learning executive-level communication fundamentals taught by our leading and certified CEO/executive coach & leadership expert
  • ​Gain more Credibility & Accelerate your Professional Image
  • ​Build Trust & Maintain Strong Business Relationships
  • ​Increase Productivity & Assure Consistent Workflow
  • ​Communicate Assertively, Confidently, & Clearly in Business Situations
  • ​Develop Your Leadership Presence
  • ​20 HD Video lessons to learn at your own pace — anytime, anywhere on all your devices
  • ​​9 Intensive Communication Modules
  • State-of-the-art platform that’s easy to navigate

Also... An Employee Progress Tracker!

As the primary account owner, you can also gain access to a system reporting tool to easily track your employee's progress and completion rates at any time!

This is especially useful for running incentive programs to maximize the return on your investment while boosting office morale, like an office contest, and seeing who’s completed a program, their scores, duration of time spent on the platform, and much more.

For example, if your office contest is geared around the first X number of employees to finish the course or the top scores in the least amount of time on the platform, then this tool will enable you to easily track these by simply logging into your dashboard.

Utilizing this tool will help ensure your employees finish the courses you’ve invested in and, just as important, that the learning process is engaging and enjoyable. 

EliteVocab for Enterprise!

⚡ Get Your Insanely Low Limited-Time Pricing...

Treat Your Employees Like They Make a Difference, and They Will — Your Business Will Thank You For It!

  • Empower Your Employees to Speak More Confidently and Eloquently
  • ​They'll quickly master speaking with a top 1% vocabulary
  • ​​​They'll learn the powerful words and phrases they need to be well-equipped to communicate at the HIGHEST LEVEL
  • ​Unparalleled User Experience
  • Seamless Implementation
  • ​Accessible Anytime, Anywhere, on All Their Devices
  • LIFETIME Access
  • ​Dedicated Account Manager
  • ​Enterprise Level Support

Speak with one of our Enterprise Account Managers and discover how our hands-off training tool can help your employees communicate more boldly and effectively.



What’s Included in EliteVocab Academy… 

Our Elite Plan...

  • Designed to boost your employee's vocabulary to the Top 1% of Executives, Leaders, and other Successful People
  • ​Lessons developed by leading language and business experts using proven science-based methods
  • Native English-speaking instructor
  • Power Words Program (30 Lessons - 300 Power Words)
  • Advanced Idioms, Phrases, and Phrasal Verbs Program (20 Lessons - 200 Advanced Idioms/Phrases)
  • ​50 HD Video lessons to learn at their own pace — anytime, anywhere on all their devices
  • ​​Fun and engaging Flashcard reviews
  • ​ Assessments for each lesson
  • ​Over 2100 results-proven sentence examples that precisely drive home the meaning and comprehension of each new word and idiom
  • ​Clear and easy-to-understand definitions
  • ​Correct pronunciations
  • State-of-the-art app that’s easy to navigate
  • Certificate Program — A prestigious certification of completion to upload on LinkedIn to highlight this unique and desirable skill set

Our Masterclass...

  • Combine your Elite vocabulary with World-Class Communication Skills for optimum results
  • ​​If you desire to go beyond enhancing your vocabulary, this add-on program is a MUST-HAVE! (Can be added to ANY plan at checkout)
  • ​Lessons developed by leading language and business experts to grow your confidence and learn the art of communicating within a business setting
  • ​Project CONFIDENCE by learning executive-level communication fundamentals taught by our leading and certified CEO/executive coach & leadership expert
  • ​Gain more Credibility & Accelerate your Professional Image
  • ​Build Trust & Maintain Strong Business Relationships
  • ​Increase Productivity & Assure Consistent Workflow
  • ​Communicate Assertively, Confidently, & Clearly in Business Situations
  • ​Develop Your Leadership Presence
  • 20 HD Video lessons to learn at your own pace — anytime, anywhere on all your devices
  • ​​9 Intensive Communication Modules
  • State-of-the-art platform that’s easy to navigate

Also... An Employee Progress Tracker!

As the primary account owner, you can also gain access to a system reporting
tool to easily track your employee's progress and completion rates at any time!

This is especially useful for running incentive programs to maximize the return on your investment while boosting office morale, like an office contest, and seeing who’s completed a program, their scores, duration of time spent on the platform, and much more.

For example, if your office contest is geared around the first X number of employees to finish the course or the top scores in the least amount of time on the platform, then this tool will enable you to easily track these by simply logging into your dashboard.

Utilizing this tool will help ensure your employees finish the courses you’ve invested in and, just as important, that the learning process is engaging and enjoyable. 

EliteVocab for Enterprise!

⚡ Get Your Insanely Low Limited-Time Pricing...

Treat Your Employees Like They Make a Difference, and They Will — Your Business Will Thank You For It!

  •  Empower Your Employees to Speak More Confidently and Eloquently
  • ​They'll quickly master speaking with a top 1% vocabulary
  • They'll learn the powerful words and phrases they need to be well-equipped to communicate at the HIGHEST LEVEL
  • ​Unparalleled User Experience
  • Seamless Implementation
  • ​Accessible Anytime, Anywhere, on All Their Devices
  • LIFETIME Access
  • ​Dedicated Account Manager
  • ​Enterprise Level Support

Speak with one of our Enterprise Account Managers and discover how our hands-off
training tool can help your employees communicate more boldly and effectively.



Elite corp
Lifetime Access
One-Time Charge per User

Regular Price $297
67% OFF

  • Power Words Program
  • Advanced Idioms, Phrases
    and Phrasal Verbs Program
  • Native
    English-speaking instructor
  • 50 HD Video lessons to learn at their own pace — anytime, anywhere on all their devices
  • Over 2,100 results-proven sentence examples that precisely drive home the meaning and comprehension of each new word and idiom
  • Over 3,500 synonyms to reinforce greater comprehension
  • Fun and engaging Flashcard reviews
  • Assessments for each lesson (80% passing grade to advance to the next lesson)
  • Lifetime Access
  • Certificate of Completion
elite corp xl
(100+ employees)
Lifetime Access
One-Time Charge per User

Regular Price $297
77% OFF

  • Power Words Program
  • Advanced Idioms, Phrases
    and Phrasal Verbs Program
  • Native
    English-speaking instructor
  • 50 HD Video lessons to learn at their own pace — anytime, anywhere on all their devices
  • Over 2,100 results-proven sentence examples that precisely drive home the meaning and comprehension of each new word and idiom
  • Over 3,500 synonyms to reinforce greater comprehension
  • Fun and engaging Flashcard reviews
  • Assessments for each lesson (80% passing grade to advance to the next lesson)
  • Lifetime Access
  • Certificate of Completion
progress tracker
Billed $97 Monthly
or $497 Annually

No Contract, Cancel Anytime

Add to ANY Plan at Checkout
  • A system reporting tool to easily track your employee’s progress and completion rates at any time.

    This is especially useful for running incentive programs to maximize the return on your investment while boosting office morale, like an office contest, and seeing who’s completed a program, their scores, duration of time spent on the platform, and much more.

    For example, if your office contest is geared around the first X number of employees to finish the course or the top scores in the least amount of time on the platform, then this tool will enable you to easily track these by simply logging into your dashboard.

    Utilizing this tool will help ensure your employees finish the courses you’ve invested in and, just as important, that the learning process is engaging and enjoyable. 

Add-On 🔥

Lifetime Access
One-Time Charge per User

Regularly $497
60% OFF

Contact Sales to Add
  • 💡 Combine Elite Vocabulary with World-Class Communication Skills for Optimum Results

    If you desire your employees to go beyond enhancing their vocabulary, this add-on program is a MUST-HAVE!

    They can learn to project CONFIDENCE by learning executive-level communication fundamentals taught by a leading and certified CEO/executive coach & leadership expert.

    They will become proficient in the art and science of communication skills and unlock their authentic leadership presence
    in any situation.

    Users must complete the Power Words Program to unlock
    this course.

  • 20 HD Video lessons to learn at their own pace — anytime, anywhere on all their devices
  • 9 Intensive Communication Modules
  • Lifetime Access

Once you've placed your order, your dedicated account manager
will contact you to start the onboarding process.

It’s a simple process of providing all the names and email addresses of the
employees you’d like to add as users, and their accounts will be instantly activated.

If you have any questions or inquiries, don't hesitate to contact our
Enterprise Support Team directly at for further assistance.

Prefer to Speak to a Member of our Enterprise Team?

Submit the form below, and we’ll be in touch!


By submitting this form, you are agreeing to EliteVocab's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

You are also agreeing to receive information and offers relevant to EliteVocab's service, and can opt-out at any time.

Elite corp
Lifetime Access
One-Time Charge per User

Regular Price $297
67% OFF

  • Power Words Program
  • Advanced Idioms, Phrases
    and Phrasal Verbs Program
  • Native English-speaking instructor
  • 50 HD Video lessons to learn at their own pace — anytime, anywhere on all their devices
  • Over 2.100 results-proven sentence examples that precisely drive home the meaning and comprehension of each new word and idiom
  • Over 3,500 synonyms to reinforce greater comprehension
  • Fun and engaging Flashcard reviews
  • Assessments for each lesson (80% passing grade to advance to the next lesson)
  • Lifetime Access
  • Certificate of Completion
elite corp xl
(100+ employees)
Lifetime Access
One-Time Charge per User

Regular Price $297
77% OFF

  • Power Words Program
  • Advanced Idioms, Phrases
    and Phrasal Verbs Program
  • Native English-speaking instructor
  • 50 HD Video lessons to learn at their own pace — anytime, anywhere on all their devices
  • Over 2,100 results-proven sentence examples that precisely drive home the meaning and comprehension of each new word and idiom
  • Over 3,500 synonyms to reinforce greater comprehension
  • Fun and engaging Flashcard reviews
  • Assessments for each lesson (80% passing grade to advance to the next lesson)
  • Lifetime Access
  • Certificate of Completion
employee progress tracker
(add-on option for all plans)
Billed $97 Monthly or $497 Annually

No Contract, Cancel Anytime

Save $667 (57%) With Annual Billing
  • A system reporting tool to easily track your employee’s progress and completion rates at any time.

    This is especially useful for running incentive programs to maximize the return on your investment while boosting office morale, like an office contest, and seeing who’s completed a program, their scores, duration of time spent on the platform, and much more.

    For example, if your office contest is geared around the first X number of employees to finish the course or the top scores in the least amount of time on the platform, then this tool will enable you to easily track these by simply logging into your dashboard.

    Utilizing this tool will help ensure your employees finish the courses you’ve invested in and, just as important, that the learning process is engaging and enjoyable. 

Add-On 🔥

Lifetime Access
One-Time Charge per User

Regularly $497
60% OFF

Add to ANY Plan at Checkout
  • 💡 Combine Elite Vocabulary with World-Class Communication Skills for Optimum Results

    If you desire your employees to go beyond enhancing their vocabulary, this add-on program is a MUST-HAVE!

    They can learn to project CONFIDENCE by learning executive-level communication fundamentals taught by a leading and certified CEO/executive coach & leadership expert.

    They will become proficient in the art and science of communication skills and unlock their authentic leadership presence in any situation.

    Users must complete the Power Words
    Program to unlock this course.

  • 20 HD Video lessons to learn at their own pace — anytime, anywhere on all their devices
  • 9 Intensive Communication Modules
  • Lifetime Access

Once you have placed your order, your dedicated account manager will contact you to start the onboarding process.

It’s a simple process of providing all the names and email addresses of the employees you’d like to add as users, and their accounts will be instantly activated.

If you have any questions or inquiries, don't hesitate to contact our Enterprise Support Team directly at for further assistance.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It... Here’s What
Others Are Saying About EliteVocab Academy!

Veronica L.
Business Owner — Chicago, US
After using EliteVocab personally and seeing firsthand how valuable this program is, it was a no-brainer to invest in my sales team. My tech company has over 35 sales reps, and we decided to signup every single one for this program.

We made the learning process fun by running multiple contests amongst the teams, and best of all, our employees were able to complete the program at their own pace and on their own time, which was great as it did not cut into their work hours.

Their corporate pricing was incredible, the user setups were seamless, and this has been one of the best investments I’ve made in my business.

Not only will our sales team’s enhanced communication skills undoubtedly boost productivity, but just as important, this program has certainly improved our office morale and employee motivation. 

I highly recommend it!
Mike M. 
VP of Sales — Los Angeles, US
EliteVocab is literally the Rosetta Stone for professionals!

I am so grateful I stumbled across this app. Not only is it highly effective, but it has truly transformed my life, and I definitely recommend it to anyone looking to raise the bar on their communication skills. I’ve never been this confident when communicating with C-level executives, and by far one of the best investments I've made in myself.
Tony C.
YouTube Influencer — New York, US
As a YouTube influencer, strong communication skills are not just essential but rather crucial for success.

In today’s competitive world, if you don’t have the skill set to garner your audience’s attention within seconds, all your time, energy, and efforts will be in vain.

Considering our education system's standard of language and communication skills is rather non-existent, I searched for a tool that would enhance my skills to an elite level in a short period of time. That’s when I discovered EliteVocab, and it has honestly changed my life. I was able to learn at my own pace, and the app exceeded my expectations from all angles. Thank you so much!
Nicole A.
Optometrist — Toronto, Canada
The best advanced vocabulary app hands down! I absolutely LOVE the interface and structure. A great selection of words, idioms, and powerful sentences — and best of all, you get the results you've been looking for by only committing minutes a day. I highly recommend it!
Nick B.
Engineer and Business Consultant — London, England
After spending upwards of $10,000 on sales training and public speaking courses, I quickly realized that unless I enhanced my communication skills, I would never be able to utilize the skill sets I’ve acquired to their full potential.

Without a rich vocabulary and the knowledge of advanced idioms and phrases, you can never be persuasive or influential regardless of how many of these other programs you take.

In a nutshell, I am completely blown away at how quickly and easily I was able to elevate my speaking skills which goes hand in hand with all my sales and public speaking needs.

Thank you for creating this powerful and valuable program!

Get Your Employees Certified to Stand Out From the Crowd

When your employees successfully complete our Power Words 30-Day Program,
they will earn a prestigious Certificate of Completion. 

This impressive Certification of Completion can be uploaded
to their LinkedIn profile to highlight this unique and desirable skill set.

Not only will it help them stand out and add credibility to their bio, but equally as important, it will broadcast their dedication to communicating at the highest level of success to your business associates.

Prefer to Speak to a Member of our Enterprise Team?

Submit the form below, and we’ll be in touch!


By submitting this form, you are agreeing to EliteVocab's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

You are also agreeing to receive information and offers relevant to EliteVocab's service, and can opt-out at any time.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It... Here’s What Others Are Saying About EliteVocab Academy!

Veronica L. 
Business Owner — Chicago, US

After using EliteVocab personally and seeing firsthand how valuable this program is, it was a no-brainer to invest in my sales team. 

My tech company has over 35 sales reps, and we decided to signup every single one for this program.

We made the learning process fun by running multiple contests amongst the teams, and best of all, our employees were able to complete the program at their own pace and on their own time, which was great as it did not cut into their work hours.

Their corporate pricing was incredible, the user setups were seamless, and this has been one of the best investments I’ve made in my business.

Not only will our sales team’s enhanced communication skills undoubtedly boost productivity, but just as important, this program has certainly improved our office morale and employee motivation. 

I highly recommend it!

Mike M. 
VP of Sales — Los Angeles, US

EliteVocab is literally the Rosetta Stone for professionals!

I am so grateful I stumbled across this app. Not only is it highly effective, but it has truly transformed my life, and I definitely recommend it to anyone looking to raise the bar on their communication skills.

I’ve never been this confident when communicating with C-level executives, and by far one of the best investments I've made in myself.

Tony C. 
YouTube Influencer — New York, US

As a YouTube influencer, strong communication skills are not just essential but rather crucial for success.

In today’s competitive world, if you don’t have the skill set to garner your audience’s attention within seconds, all your time, energy, and efforts will be in vain.

Considering our education system's standard of language and communication skills is rather non-existent, I searched for a tool that would enhance my skills to an elite level in a short period of time.

That’s when I discovered EliteVocab, and it has honestly changed my life. I was able to learn at my own pace, and the app exceeded my expectations from all angles. Thank you so much!

Nicole A.
Optometrist — Toronto, Canada
The best advanced vocabulary app hands down! I absolutely LOVE the interface and structure. A great selection of words, idioms, and powerful sentences — and best of all, you get the results you've been looking for by only committing minutes a day. I highly recommend it!
Nick B.
Engineer and Business Consultant — London, England
After spending upwards of $10,000 on sales training and public speaking courses, I quickly realized that unless I enhanced my communication skills, I would never be able to utilize the skill sets I’ve acquired to their full potential.

Without a rich vocabulary and the knowledge of advanced idioms and phrases, you can never be persuasive or influential regardless of how many of these other programs you take.

In a nutshell, I am completely blown away at how quickly and easily I was able to elevate my speaking skills which goes hand in hand with all my sales and public speaking needs.

Thank you for creating this powerful and valuable program!

Get Your Employees Certified to Stand Out From the Crowd

When your employees successfully complete our Power Words 30-Day Program, they will earn a prestigious Certificate of Completion. 

This impressive Certification of Completion can be uploaded to their LinkedIn profile to highlight this unique and desirable skill set.

Not only will it help them stand out and add credibility to their bio, but equally as important, it will broadcast their dedication to communicating at the highest level of success to your business associates.

Purchase With Confidence
With Our 7-Day Money Back Guarantee

Increase Your Team's Vocabulary — Or Your Money Back!

That’s right. After ordering, have your employees try your purchase out for 7 days

If, during this period of trying out the EliteVocab app, 
you don't notice an increase in your employee's vocabulary…

Or find that it's not for you or your employees, for ANY reason...
Email our Customer Support Team at for a full refund, and providing that
no user has completed more than 25% of any course, we’ll gladly refund your payment in full. No questions asked.
This way, you risk nothing.

We Make a Difference With Every Purchase

At EliteVocab Academy, our philanthropy commitment
is to drive positive change for future generations.
We’re proud to donate 1% of all sales to Scholarship America.
Scholarship America has served over 100 countries worldwide
and has distributed over $4.2B to over 2.5M students since 1958.

Purchase With Confidence With Our 7-Day Money Back Guarantee

Increase Your Team's Vocabulary...
Or Your Money Back!

That’s right. After ordering, have your employees try your purchase out for 7 days

If, during this period of trying out the EliteVocab app,  you don't notice an increase in your employee's vocabulary…

Or find that it's not for you or your employees, for ANY reason...
Email our Customer Support Team at for a full refund, and providing that no user has completed more than 25% of any course, we’ll gladly refund your payment in full.

No questions asked.
This way, you risk nothing.

We Make a Difference With Every Purchase

At EliteVocab Academy, our philanthropy commitment is to drive positive change for future generations.

We’re proud to donate 1% of all sales to Scholarship America.

Scholarship America has served over 100 countries worldwide and has distributed over $4.2B to over 2.5M students since 1958.

The Most Powerful Way to Strengthen
Communication Across Your Business

Imperative to leadership effectiveness is inculcating the growth mindset not only for oneself but also for others...

As an organization is only as strong as the leaders who define it.

Remember this: "Before you are a leader, success is about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is about growing others."

In closing, treat your employees like they make a difference, and they will — your business will thank you for it.

Boost employee productivity and skyrocket performance by joining the EliteVocab community TODAY...

And empower your employees to Discover the Smart Way to Sound smarter!

To Order on a 7-Day Risk-Free Basis, Click Below NOW:

The Most Powerful Way to Strengthen Communication Across Your Business

Imperative to leadership effectiveness is inculcating the growth mindset not only for oneself but also for others...

As an organization is only as strong as the leaders who define it.

Remember this: "Before you are a leader, success is about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is about growing others."

In closing, treat your employees like they make a difference, and they will — your business will thank you for it.

Boost employee productivity and skyrocket performance by joining the EliteVocab community TODAY...

And empower your employees to Discover the Smart Way to Sound smarter!

To Order on a 7-Day Risk-Free Basis, Click Below NOW:

Frequently Asked Questions


Enterprise Support:

Copyright ©2022 EliteVocab Academy, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Enterprise Support:

Copyright ©2022 EliteVocab Academy, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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